Project Update

Despite rainy and snowy weather delaying tree planting over the past week, other work has been ongoing at the Trager MicroForest site. At the northeast corner of the site is a statue, “The Bride”, which was located in the middle of our new walking path. The statue is remaining in the park, but Full Care had to move it around five feet to the right from its current position so the walking path can reach the sidewalk. 

A crane being used to move “The Bride”

“The Bride” being moved into its new position

With the weather delaying tree planting, this gave us extra time to put up some research equipment before too many trees go in. Over the weekend, Dr. Scott Gunter from UofL Geographic and Environmental Sciences began re-installing a weather monitoring station on the central light pole. This station was previously up before construction began, and will allow us to gauge how the local climate changes after all the trees are planted.

Weather research station mounted on the central light pole