Project Update

The future of the Trager MicroForest site is beginning to bloom (literally). Over the past week, warmer weather has enabled Full Care to resume tree planting while some of the existing trees are beginning to show their leaves for the first time.

Tree beginning to flower on the north side of the microforest

Over the weekend, six trees were planted with more remaining on-site to be planted later this week. Yesterday’s rain has likely made it too muddy to resume planting today, but the location of all the remaining trees have been flagged.

One of the new trees (left) near the southern edge of the site

Flagged spots for future tree plantings

In addition to the new trees, work has begun on the footers for the metal wall, wall fins, and signage. A trench was dug out on the south side of the central forest for the footers, and it will soon be filled with concrete. After this concrete hardens, Full Care will be able to install the aforementioned items.

Two angles of the dug out trench