
Join us for Open Studio this week, Wednesday January 19th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the UDS downtown space (429 W Muhammad Ali Blvd.)

We will be talking about the Windows into the Community project we have been developing with artist and friend Danny Seim who will be joining us tomorrow.

The project idea is to celebrate the many hands it takes to build community through an ongoing portrait collection that hopefully can be incorporated into a strategy to activate vacant storefronts. We will want to develop the idea further and discuss vacant storefronts as galleries and a strategy on how we can reach a wide range of folks to nominate individuals both well known and doing the good work under the radar in our community who have made a positive difference in shaping our city.

If you think you might drop in, please give Patrick Piuma a heads up via email, DM etc so he has an idea how many people plan to stop by. Masks will be required to keep everyone healthy.

Also, if you would like to check out the UK COD student exhibit focused on the Preston Corridor, please come by during Open Studio hours.

Hope to see you this Wednesday!

Check out more of Danny’s work on Instagram: